Sunday, December 8, 2013


 So much has changed with my little Ella in the last few months.  She continues to be the most amazing baby ever!  So happy, so sweet, and so precious.  She is now 7 months old and weighs almost 16 pounds.  She started sitting up at 5 months and got 2 little teeth around the same time.

 She started baby food about a month ago and thinks it is disgusting.  She will not open her mouth and starts gagging if the spoon makes it in her mouth.

 She can stand up while holding onto something.  She also rocks back and forth on her knees like she wants to crawl.  She loves to bounce and kick lately, especially while nursing.

 She has the craziest hair ever and because of this she had her first haircut a few weeks ago.  I am glad that I cut it and it has been a little more tolerable since.
She still loves to be held.  She thinks her brothers are hilarious.  She laughs easily and frequently.  She is a little nervous around people and groups of kids.  She is so happy, fun, and easy and I am so thankful for her.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hudson is 3!

 My little Hudson celebrated his 3rd birthday last month!  And, just because he is Hudson, he decided he did not want a birthday party and wanted to go to Knott's Berry Farm instead.
 We had a great time!  The boys LOVED going on all the crazy rides.  They had so much fun.  I was surprised to see that Everett is big enough to go on quite a few of the roller coasters.

 I am so glad that Hudson picked this for his birthday!
 Hudson is 27 pounds and about 36 inches tall.  He is such a sweet boy!  And too smart for his own good!  He is doing great in preschool and even knows all his letters and sounds.  He wishes he could go to school everyday, but his mommy would miss him too much.  He still loves Mickey Mouse and Little Einsteins and I would say those are his favorite TV shows.  He is so special to me and has such a unique personality.  He loves to do anything his big brother is doing and usually copies everything he says and does.  He is very stubborn and wants things done his way, but he is also so sweet and loving if you follow his rules!  I never knew a 2 year old could say some of the things that Hudson has said in the last year!  Here are a few of my recent favorites:

When my mom was speaking spanish to him he told her, "Grandma that doesn't even mean anything."
When he threw a car I told him not to throw.  He told me it was flying.  I told him that cars don't fly.  He told me, "They do if you throw them!"
I told him to eat his dinner, he told me, "Momma I can't, I am allergic to that."
He used to tell me that he couldn't sit on the toilet to pee because it was "very dangerous and I am just a little boy."

I just love this little guys witty personality.  He is such an amazing and smart little boy and I am so happy that he is mine!  Happy 3rd birthday baby Hudson bear!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

 My three little trick-or-treaters had a blast this Halloween!

 We went trick-or treating with the Rogina family and the kids loved it.

 It was so fun dressing Ella up for Halloween!

 Hudson's school had crazy hat day instead of Halloween costumes.

 Hudson choose everything he wanted for his crazy hat and we glued it all together at home.  It turned out cute and was very unique...just like Hudson!
 Everett's school had a halloween parade.  The TK classes dressed up like scarecrows and the rest of the school wore regular costumes.  It was fun to watch both of the boys in their parades.

 And of course Halloween is not complete without lots of trips to the pumpkin patch!  These boys are so adventurous and love all the rides!  Goodbye October, hello November....

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Everett's 5th Birthday

 Everett is 5!!  To celebrate he had a ninja turtla party at My Gym with all his closest friends.  We had a blast!  He had a ninja turtle cake, pizza, and cake pops to eat.  And cheetos!  He was very excited about the cheetos!

My Gym is awesome and I am so glad he chose to have it there!  They kept the kids very busy.

I think Everett's favorite part was fighting against his dad!  He loved seeing all his friends and was thrilled to have a ninja turtle party!

My big 5 year old weighs 36 pounds now.  His favorite color is red.  His favorite thing to do is wrestle with his dad.  His favorite TV show and toy these days is transformers.  He really enjoys playing with tinker toys and legos too.  He still loves playing with Hudson and he says they are best friends....I hope this never changes!  He also loves his baby sister and told us recently that he is going to marry her when he grows up.  His favorite food is probably spaghetti pasta, but his favorite meal is breakfast.  He loves school and it is amazing to see how much he learns everyday.  Recently he has told me all his vowels, primary colors, all his letter sounds, and even spelled a few words.  He is like a little sponge and I am so impressed!
Happy 5th birthday little man!!